• We offer two classes in east Portland, through our parent company Keys to Life Music School.

    1. Bethany Lutheran Church at NE 37th & Skidmore.

    2. The Children’s Gym at NE 16th & Sandy.

      Email us for up- to-date days/times for classes.

    We offer classes at Portland area preschools as after-school enrichment. If you’re interested, click the “Get in touch” button and we’ll get back to you.

  • We’ve refined the structure of our class over more than a decade. Here’s the flow:

    · Settle in & Welcome Song.

    · New Music Listening, Movement, & Sharing.

    · Centerpiece Activity, an original song, dance, or exercise for the kids to learn.

    · Dexterity games, an original exercise that builds fine motor skills.

    · Sing & Dance Time, with original and familiar songs (Solfege included).

    · Intro to Piano, we teach the basics in a hands-on way.

    · Coloring Worksheets, our original, kid-friendly curriculum.

    · Instrument Exploration & Social Time, kids get to play a variety of high-quality instruments and everyone gets to socialize a bit.

  • Ideally you’ll sit in on the first class: we want you to see what goes on.

    For any child that isn’t potty trained, we need you there too. However, once your child has mastered the art of the potty, you are free to go!

  • It looks like…

    ...Pressing play and listening to the music- even if it’s in the background it’s doing its job to help your kids learn!

    ...Watching, singing, and dancing with the videos!

    ...Printing and coloring the worksheets while talking about what’s on the page and then proudly putting them on the fridge.

    ...Exploring instruments with our guided audio. Use your own instruments or use our accompanying worksheets.

    ...Motivation and celebration of your child’s accomplishments!

  • Beginner: At-home course

    $5/7-day trial

    Intermediate: At-home course


    Advanced: In-person & At-home


  • Beginner

    · Virtual Only, try for 7 days.

    · Video and audio-based curriculum.

    · Printable coloring sheets.

    · Progress metrics.

    · On-going email support with a dedicated teacher.

    · Add-on option: 20-minute one-on-one student assessment for $29.


    · All of the Beginner Package with full curriculum.

    · Add-on option: 20-minute one-on-one video assessment and lessons for $29/session.


    ·All of the Intermediate Package.

    ·Weekly, in-person 45 minute classes.

    ·Add-on option: 20-minute one-on-one video assessment and lessons for $29/session.

  • Beginner Plan

    This is perfect for: 

    ·Those who want to try the class before fully committing.

    ·Those who want a professional assessment of their child’s musical aptitude before starting them in a course (with the Add-on assessment).

    Intermediate Plan

    This is ideal for:

    ·Those who want a comprehensive approach to learning music, starting at a young age.

    ·Those who don’t necessarily have time or extra money for music but want more of it in their children’s lives.

    ·Those who sometimes give their young kids screen time and want it to be educational and fun when they do.

    ·Those with a background in music who want support in helping their child learn music.

    Advanced Plan

    This is optimal for those who want the whole package:

    ·They live in Portland, Oregon (eventually we’ll have classes offered in other cities).

    ·Those who want to give their children the chance to explore a variety of instruments that they don’t have at home.

    ·Those who want their children to have in-person classes for socialization.

    ·Kids who are interested in music and yearning for more.

    ·Those who want their kids to have an early start in music.

    ·Those who know music’s value but don’t have a background in it or those with a background but they don’t know how best to teach preschoolers.

    ·Those who want to see how their young child does with small amounts of live, private music instruction (with the Add-on assessment and video lessons).

  • Yes! Think about how your child, from infancy onwards, has studied the world around them and mimicked everyone and everything. We take that inclination to mimic and put it to good use by having them listen to the language of music: Solfege (aka Do Re Mi).

    By putting a syllable like Do or Re to a sound, they start to integrate the notes of a scale without thinking about it. It’s a natural way to learn!

    If you want your child to normalize making and studying music you need to make it part of their life from the beginning. Our curriculum is designed for young learners.

  • If you have nothing at first, that’s OK! Over time you’ll get more than just shakers, like a ukulele, a small digital keyboard, or a small digital drum set, and any other kid-sized instruments your child expresses interest in. We can help you!

  • We use fixed-Do Solfege (also known as Solfeggio) which helped give our Founder an amazing form of perfect pitch: she hears all tones with Do Re Mi correctly superimposed. Her ability is the inspiration behind our audio application SPL, Solfege Passive Learning.

    We also use parts of the Kodály method, including its hand symbols for Solfege (Do Re Mi) and rhythms.

    The rest of our curriculum is informed by the Western Classical Tradition and the Founder’s original exercises, songs, and dances. We also include music from around the world and cross-genre.

  • Any given day could take between 5-30 minutes, it’s up to you!

    Here’s the breakdown:

    • Listen to the Solfege Passive Learning songs daily (5-20 minutes/day)

    • Watch the videos 2-3x a week (15-20 minutes/week).

    • Color the worksheets (10 minutes/week).

  • Solfege Passive Learning, or SPL is Seeds of Harmony’s Proprietary Audio Technology that boosts children’s music comprehension in an easy and natural way.

    Simply put our SPL songs songs on in the background while the kids play and they’ll begin to learn Solfege.

    How? We embed the Solfege in the audio to recreate our Founder Sara’s internal experience of music: to always hear in her mind a voice singing Solfege simultaneously with the main melody (or whatever melody we want to focus on). It’s subliminal learning!

    With regular repetition children will easily learn Solfege with less effort because the music will play in their minds, like when a song gets stuck in your head.

    With Solfege their minds will attune to music in a more disciplined and focused way as they grow up.


Jumpstart Your Child's Music Education